Friday 31 July 2015

Following the 'success' of my Wind Power Illustration, and by success I mean all the great feedback I had from it. I decided to take on another illustration in a similar vein: Mid-century modern house, sterotypical 50's characters, impecible suburban lawns and topery, mountains and forests. You may notice even more similaries between this and Wind Power as I confess I have reused several different assets from the previous illustration.
I decided again to create a mock-up magazine layout with my illustration, but this time take it several steps further. most nobably with doing a whole new spot illustration to accompany the arcticle. the arcticle itself is from the BBC and is about the dangers of living near airports and the health risks associated with it. I apprcieate any feedback you might have.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

This is an illustration that I've been working on for a few days. The original basis was some small pencil drawings I was doing of some mid-century modern style houses, however as I began to take it into photoshop I felt the need to go all out with this one. As such I've added all sorts of little details, lots of little characters, cars, bikes, wind turbines, birds etc. There’s also a weird juxtaposition of mid-century cars and characters with modern wind turbines which I never really planned out but works nicely. I also used quite a bit of shading and texture, which I haven’t used in a while. I also decided to do a mock up of my illustration along with an article on wind power from the national geographic which I think I is really successful. what do you think?